Fall Frightfest: October 1, 2021


Sweet mother of pearl, it is already October! It snuck up on me — I nearly wasn’t ready for the famous Fascinating, Fantastic, Fabulously Fun Fall Fornelli Family Frightfest: a dozen years of fear.

Reviews from previous seasons are listed on my blog. Take a look — it’s totally free!The weather might not feel like autumn. I might be sick. But the Fornellis are nothing if not determined, and I am dedicated to our family traditions.

Addams Family Values' Is a Brilliant Thanksgiving Film - The Atlantic

October 1: Addams Family Values.

Rating: 4/5.

Comment: Is this a scary movie? Only if you ask our 4-year-old. That being said, this fun flick has Fornelli Frightfest written all over it. There are explosions. There are curses. There is a dead hand reaching from its grave. There is a serial-murdering black widow. There is an alternate-reality Thanksgiving massacre. There is the same star-studded cast as the first movie, including Christina Ricci (who, in my opinion, is a highly underrated actress — seriously, in a list of your top favorites, would you even think to include her? No. But she is beautiful, talented, believable in every role, and in some spectacular films). Like, this is a solid spooky sequel, worth watching if you haven’t seen it in a while. What are you waiting for?

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